Monday, September 24, 2007

MPT signs Eddie Holly!!!

This is the kind of stunt that upsets people. Eddie Holly was granting permissions to taggers as recent as last week and now he is suddenly licensed with MPT without even the courtesy of informing groups he was revoking permissions???? Boo to Eddie Holly for his lack of manners and not learning about the company he licensed with before signing on the dotted line and a bigger BOO to MPT for harvesting FTU artists!


Dark Angel said...

Well then maybe we all need to write to him know and let him know what he's potentially looking at!

His email address is and let's show him the proof of what SC/MPT REALLY is!

I'm sure he went into it blindly after being lied to by those at SC/MPT since that's all they seem to know how to do.

I'm sure if he gets flooded with emails he will change his mind rather quickly.

Anonymous said...

have you all thought that maybe they unleashed him on the psp world to see how well he'd do then once he was a hit they released him? wouldnt shock me none. come on they've known for a while cause i mean they had to do the tubes and sign contracts

Anonymous said...

No, not boo to Eddie.
The guy clearly does not understand licensing/psp and has been royally screwed over.

Instead of dissing the guy - start informing him.
A load of women (and a few guys) giving him a hard time isn't going to explain jack scht to him. Send the dude an informative email, let him know the truth and let him know WHY you are upset by this turn of events.

It appears that this guy believe he can still give special perms where he wishes, clearly showing that he hasn't a clue what he has been dragged into.

I can only imagine what he thinks of the PSP community at the moment.

Anonymous said...


so now it seems you are promoting the harrassment of ANOTHER artist by telling him YOUR opinions on MPT.

I agree he is wrong to give permissions out the way he did and then revoke so quickly without thought...obviously a rash decision he is making....but I dont agree with the spamming and harrassing of artists just because they are using a license company that you dont like. If people do all boycott MPT like you are hoping for, they will learn for themselves that it is not worthwhile being there.

I dare say cos I have disagreed with someones plan of action I will be publically hung drawn and quartered, like everyone else that speaks up against a particular anti-MPT opinion, but please take on that I am not saying he should be with MPT, merely that I dont agree with the harrassment tactics that many of you seem to find acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anywhere where the original poster said to harass the artist at all in this post or in any other post. Don't assume the comments and actions of those commenting are those of original poster. The views expressed by each person are obviously their own and don't necessarily reflect everyone else who support the boycott. That is what happens when you DON'T censor people. Don't paint all the boycotters with the same brush.

Anonymous said...

Just where did you read harrassment into any post that is here? I did not see it in any single post here.

Anonymous said...

exactly my soon as someone says something remotely criticising your anti-MPT compain, you come on all defensive saying "i dont see the harrassment" etc....I mentioned harrassing tactics... no where did I quote someone as saying the word harrassment. Also, I did not say it was the original poster I was referring to.

If you fail to see the comment of....."His email address is and let's show him the proof of what SC/MPT REALLY is!" as not promoting to bombard the poor bloke with emails of your opinions against MPT, then so be it.....but personally I fail to see how you cannot accept that it may look that way to others. To bombard a man because you are bitter he has been giving permissions and now gone over to MPT is, in my opinion, harrassment.

His art is his to do with as he choooses....yes I agree he has obviously not researched this whole thing properly, but that is his own doing, his own choice to make

The reason I am so strong on this, if you care to know, is that my husband is an artist. He has experienced these emails for himself first hand recently,....these so called emails that you believe are not harrassment. I can assure you, that he, and I, consider them to be JUST THAT.

Im sorry, but from what I can see, all you are gonna gain by bombarding more artists with emails, is their decision to withdraw from giving permission, be it privately or through licensing.

Anonymous said...

I saw the comment, but just because a boycott supporter posted that does not mean all boycott supporters condone emailing the artists. You implied that BMPT has promoted harassing artists and they haven't. Not anywhere on this blog or any other blog they've had. You didn't specify who you were referring to so it's a bit difficult not to be defensive to your broad categorization of boycotters. Stop confusing the actions and opinions of commentators with those of the OP or even other posters. You keep saying YOU YOU YOU as if these thoughts and opinions are of only one person when they're not. Just because dark angel posts she thinks everyone should email Eddie doesn't mean that Nemesis does. It doesn't mean I do. It doesn't mean that everyone else posting thinks they should either. The only artist I ever emailed about MPT was Armando and that was to ask him if it was true he left MPT. He said yes, I wished him luck and that was that. I'm not angry Eddie went PTU. Most people aren't. If you think that is what it is about then you need to recheck yourself. People are angry MPT went about it in such a shitty way not that he went PTU.

Anonymous said...

well as I said before, I am writing this cos we, well my husband, has experienced it first hand. The emails about MPT etc and to be honest, that is how I found you....linked from one of the emails (apparently as proof of your cause)I mean that as the collective "your" not you personally.

So how can I, and many many more, not pressume that you (the collective you that is) are not responsible for elevating the whole thing, which in effect has caused the harrassment of artists??

I dare say there are many of you, well I hope, that are not harrassing the artists....but I can tell you that whoever it is that ARE bombarding them are hiding behind your name BMPT....and of that I am certain.

I never once suggested nemesis condoned the harassment of artists, so please refrain from continually putting words into my mouth. I have not however, until I made my comment, heard one person come on after someone has posted about emailing artists etc and say they do not condone it here at one can only pressume that they do. So surely you can see how that conclusion can be reached. If it is not the belief of BMPT that artists should be harassed then maybe you should make it clearer on your I said earlier, those that are emailing are hiding behind your name, hence my presence here and my feeling the need to comment. If I had seen anywhere here that you were actually solely looking out for artist interests, to educate them on MPT practices rather than to destroy MPT I may have been more understanding of your cause.

As an outsider looking in, I can assure that the way this blog reads is far from supporting artists and hoping to educate them...but it reads moe like you ridicule them for making a choice different from your own.

I am sorry, but that is just the way it looks.....I hope I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Hi Conny! Nice to see you here.

Anonymous said...

First, this is not my blog. Secondly, there are other groups who are against MPT and have been for quite some time. People were emailing artists and complaining long before BMPT officially came about. Just because someone has a link to a blog or a group in an email really doesn't mean anything unless it came directly from the TAG group. Third, you need to read a few blogs down where the General Manager of MPT is offering customers free tubes in exchange for emailing artists to tell them MPT is the best thing since slice bread. No one needs to try to destroy MPT. They're doing that well enough on their own. If you know anything about the history of the company you can see it for yourself. My understanding is this blog exists for the sole purpose of keeping taggers informed (most of them, like myself, banned from the MPT groups for asking questions) and giving people a place to speak out since MPT is so intent on ignoring customers emails, phone calls or censoring their posts in their groups. I suppose artists with my $$ when I buy their tubes. It isn't my job to give them career advice.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, as you like to put it....I never said this was your blog

Second...I never suggested THIS is the only group against MPT. If you read my post properly you would have realised, before jumping the gun, that I said that many emails my husband received, if they were not genuinely from here, were most certainly hiding behind the BMPT name to promote their cause....and they are doing it with malice towards artists. Just because you are not doing it, doesnt mean that no-one from BMPT is, or that people are not doing it to give BMPT a bad name....I was merely informing you all of how it looks from an artists and their families point of view.

Do not insult me by suggesting I do not realise that, just because there are links to groups or blogs in an email, that the person sending them may have nothing to do with the said group/blog personally. Did I divulge the full content of the email to you for you to know exactly what was put in it??? NO, I did not!! So how do you not know the person sending it was not implying they were a member or creator of BMPT?? Do not pressume that,just because I make a comment about finding you via an email, that I am naive to think it HAD to be from here.

Thirdly, regarding the MPT bribing with free tubes etc.....that has nothing to do with why Im here! Nothing to do with my comments at why bring it up. Not once have I said I am FOR MPT. Not once have I suggested MPT are a good company....not once have I said you are wrong about MPT. That has not been my point on here.....I am here as an artists wife, telling you my point of view about emailing the artists, so please refrain from dragging me into your gripes with MPT.

If truth be told, I posted my point of view at another group with issues with MPT, but they had the decency to come on and say they respected my point of view and it was a case of agreeing to disagree, but here it seems you get shot down for making a comment.

Anonymous said...

You said in response to me -

"If it is not the belief of BMPT that artists should be harassed then maybe you should make it clearer on your blog"

Your statement implied as if somehow I am responsible or can somehow control what is on the BMPT blog. The collective you bit doesn't cut it as a justification. I'm just a poster here same as you. You come on here with your presumptions, insinuations and accusations, but then get offended when you're called on them. I'm not BMPT. If you read any of my posts properly you would understand I speak for myself. So while you can run back to that other group and try to claim BMPT is shooting you down they're not because they haven't even responded to you. You haven't respected anyone's opinion so why should you expect us (me or any other commentator here) to respect yours? *yawn* I'm here as someone with a gripe about MPT so please refrain from dragging me into your email issues.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Artists wife:
This is the third boycott MPT group I've seen. Actually second blog, ones a yahoo group. I think alot of the people here have been around for awhile so it's been made clear to most of us on several occasions that we are responsible for what we do,what we say and what we think individually. That would include emailing any artists about anything. Alot of us have also seen MPT try their hardest in a variety of ways to backstab any number of us... so we do expect it. Personally I'm happy for the artists that go PTU. All the power to them. But if someone wants an honest answer about an artist or their work and they appear to be signed/signing with MPT... then how are people going to know? A lot of people have been banned from MPT and their newsletter or just blatently ignored. So that leaves emailing the artists. How else are they going to find out? I don't think five hundred of us need to email them but someONE should.

Anonymous said...

With regards to the comment I made of

"If it is not the belief of BMPT that artists should be harassed then maybe you should make it clearer on your blog".....I am pressuming that BMPT read these posts themselves and am directing the comment to it is a collective you used within the context of the sentence. I am not only speaking to "you" on this thread!! I dont know why "you" keep responding as if I am!! You has more than one definition and I didnt realise "you" only see it as the one! If I have to clearly state BMPT everytime to save "your" confusion then I shall....but Ive never experienced someone reading a post analysing every single word the way "you" have, to make it sound personal all the future I shall ensure I clearly state BMPT each time.

I know you speak for yourself, as do I....but on your original post in response to my first comment you automaticvally took everything I said as directed to "you" inital comment was saying about the comment made by Dark Angels post and maybe I should have made that I apologise for not doing so....but I then went on to say I didnt agree with that course of action so cannot see why you pressumed I was accusing everyone of doing it....I never accused everyone...please tell me where, on my original post, that I did.

My whole point of answering on this thread, was to say I didnt agree with the spamming and harrassing of artists, which I felt Dark Angel was trying to promote in her post. By putting his email address in there saying "His email address is and let's show him the proof of what SC/MPT REALLY is!" I truly read it that way.....I apologise for not pointing it out that I was directing my comment to Dark Angel...but I pressumed that it would be obvious as she was the only one to mention emailing him!

I find it strange that in my original post you obviously pressumed YOU being the collective you directed to everyone....but have taken every other post I make as "you" being personal.

Somehow, from there, you have accused me of tarring everyone with the same brush...which I didnt. I said I found the link from an email sent to my then accused me of pressuming it had to come from someone here....which I didnt. Although I can tell you that the person sending it DID imply they were.

Your responses have all been guarded and accusing towards me for making a comment that I dont agree with artists being spammed an I said before, I have experienced the frustration and anger it causes an artist first hand.

To the last comment made, directed to me I totally appreciate and understand your point of view also, I dare say in your position I MAY consider doing the same personally, but like you say SomeONE emailing makes sense....but hundreds of emails being sent, I can assure you has the opposite effect people are hoping to achieve.

As a matter of advice for any future artists that a group feels should be emailed, I would suggest that a spokesperson for that group send an informed email on behalf of everyone (maybe set up a list for people to sign, put their names on first that you can include so the artist knows how many people agree) I can assure you, the artist will take far more notice of you doing it in a more professional manner and actually read the emails. As some of the emails received are VERY nasty, I can tell you there comes a point where the emails are totally disregarded and deleted without being read. Surely the thought that collective emails will be read and taken into account would aid the cause rather than hinder it.

I dont intend to keep coming on defending myself on the use of the word "you" to clear things up on my final post, this is what I meant by posting here.....

1. Dark Angel, I understand your reasons for feeling the artists should be emailed, but I personally feel you are promoting spamming and harrassing of the artist. Not everyone will do it in a polite or courteous manner and it can cause the artist and his/her family a lot of upset.

2. If BMPT themselves do not promote the spamming or harrassing of artists, maybe BMPT should make that point clear.

3. I am not accusing BMPT or all its posters of harrassing or spamming artists, merely commenting on the post in question.