Friday, September 21, 2007

Censorship at its finest!

MPT had our MySpace page shut down citing us with harassing them. A good business with nothing to hide wouldn't keep trying to censor customers from speaking up. What are you afraid of?


Anonymous said...

Boy that sounds allll too familiar as that's what they did with my first Taggers At War page as well and not only that, but had one of their MySpace co-horts give them my original url as well and made people believe that it was still my page and that I gave into them!!!
I'd keep an eye on that if I were you!!
We're still here supporting you 110%!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you are wrong - I'm the one that got your MySpace shut down. I have the email from MySpace to prove it too.


Anonymous said...

Why would you shut the TAG page down? They weren't harassing you. You, on the other hand, seem to be harassing them and all of the members of TAG.

Unknown said...

Well of course a good BITCH pet, yes that would be YOU Frankie Boy, must obey his master or do good tricks to get treats.
He's so far up their asses that you don't know where one begins and the other ends, but then again you enjoy being in people's asses don't you Frankie Boy, or is that the other way around???
Well Karma has a way of fucking up someone's life something bad, you'll be seeing her soon no doubt!!!

Shell said...

Frank I don't agree with you getting TAG page shut down, it's every persons right to their own opinion.. if you didn't like it then you shouldn't have been reading it...

Whoever wrote the personal attack against frank... that is NOT what we are about! Lets keep this professional, just because they don't act professional hat is no reason we can't!

Unknown said...

Bratt - I could care less how you feel about me.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong Frankie? You can dish it but you can't take it????!! Name one thing posted on TAG that was not true! You can't! Y'all were just pissed Armando was the number one friend on their profile and because they wouldn't let you into their Yahoo group. Not nice being censored, is it??? Of all people Frank you should be promoting individual freedoms given your sexual preference. Hypocrite!!

Unknown said...

My sexual preference has NOTHING to do with this. It's these types of PERSONAL ATTACKS that geared me to get that page removed.

Human rights for Equality are totally different than bashing a company based on what YOU think is right and wrong.

>Of all people Frank you should be >promoting individual freedoms >given your sexual preference. >Hypocrite!!

Anonymous said...

Frank, you are such a life sucking leach. Grow up already!

Anonymous said...

Personal attacks? I am sorry, but I did not see nasty, personal attacks on anyone's MySpace page except yours, Frank. I also hardly see how someone stating that your "preference" should make you more sensitive to equal treatment of individuals could be construed as a personal attack. Censorship is wrong, Frank. No matter how much you try to defend it. So I can see how someone would think you are a hypocrite. Especially with the posts you had on there calling myself, among others, whiny bitches, etc.

And, quite honestly, for someone who continues to claim he does not work for them, I have a difficult time understanding your over-the-top sense of misplaced loyalty and Gestapo tactics. However, what I do understand, is for every person who agrees with you, there are twenty more who do not.

Do you not comprehend that your actions on behalf of or in the name of the company, whether you are "employed" by them or not, just continue to negatively influence customers? I would bet having TAG's page shut down cost MPT even more customers.