My PSP Tubes Yahoo Group Rules
This notice will be sent to all new members, and every 2 weeks
thereafter, please watch for changes.
1. No drama, disrespect for other members, artists or the company is not
tolerated in any way. Respect the feelings of others before you
This notice will be sent to all new members, and every 2 weeks
thereafter, please watch for changes.
1. No drama, disrespect for other members, artists or the company is not
tolerated in any way. Respect the feelings of others before you
As if this rule really matters since they moderate all posts anyway! The true purpose of this rule is for MPT to justify their control tactics and censorship within the group and with their customers, in general. They forgot to mention that MPT management is exempt from this rule (and all others). MPT management can and will initiate drama at any given time. Only members who support the views of MPT will be allowed to have their messages approved by moderators. Frequent use of foul language, hissy fits and "woe is me" pathetic sob stories are common occurrences on behalf of management.
2. No bashing of MPT, or other licensing companies in any way.
Artists have a right to be represented by any company they choose,
respect that wish.
No bashing means no questioning, complaining about nor expecting answers to anything related to MPT's incompetence and unethical business practices. They added the other licensing company part in there for good measure, don't you think? What this rule doesn't tell you is that if you are "caught" by one of MPT's many spies to say one negative word about MPT in ANY group, forum, etc. you may be in, you'll immediately be removed from the Yahoo group even if you may never have posted or attempted to have posted in it! Artists have the right to be represented by any company they choose and taggers should not email artists with questions or to enlighten them to the situation with MPT. MPT will call this harassment. BUT they do reserve the right to bribe customers to email and HARASS artists who wish to no longer be associated with the company. Do as I say but not as I do? It seems a common theme with this company.
3. No spamming. If you are collecting email addresses to spam, you
will be removed without warning.
In other words, if we find out you're going outside the group to enlighten our customers with facts, we'll ban you and suspend your license, if you have one! If you dare let our artists know there is a boycott going on, we'll hunt you down, attempt to publicly humiliate you, call you a liar and then make up stories to our group members so they'll feel sorry for us and buy more tubes!!
4. It is YOUR responsibility to keep your account up to date. If you
are bouncing, you will have to reset yourself, we do not send notices.
This one is meant to read we also do not respond to the complaints, concerns or suggestions of customers nor our artists! We are much too busy destroying everything the PSP community has worked very hard building the last few years to be bothered with whether or not your email is bouncing!
5. This group can generate high volume mail. If you don't want the mail,
read on the web, or get daily digest, or join the newsletter at the web
site [their url here] for just release information.
But remember, folks, if you talk bad about us, we'll ban you from our newsletter too and then you're shit out of luck! You'll be forced to come to our site every single day to see if we've changed our TOU yet AGAIN!!!
6. Your age must be in your profile, and you must be 18+ to be a member.
6. Your age must be in your profile, and you must be 18+ to be a member.
But you can be any age at all to sign up for our newsletter and be subjected to adult content! We also have adult content ALL over our site and we don't verify ages, have an adult content disclaimer nor do we have our site family friendly in case someone accidentally surfs on it (which can happen since we have our site geared toward MySpace and other social network comments).
We will remove people without warning for any of the above infractions.
Remember!! You don't have to break the rules in OUR group to be removed! We will follow you all over the internet like Big Brother and try to censor your every word! If you don't like it, boycott us! We dare you! If you try, we'll just release more Garv and Elias because we think you're all so sad and pathetic you'll buy, buy, BUY!
Well that just CLEARED EVERYTHING up for me!!!
Thanks Nemesis
Yep that sounds about
The point being its there group so they can have the rules they want!!!
And if you dont like them dont join
TBH you guys just had to find something and this is how you had to do it!!!
Smarten up! It's a business and a business should give customers a forum in which they can lodge complaints! MPT doesn't!! They don't answer emails or when they do they whine, make accusations or just don't answer the questions, they hang the phones up on people, they treat anyone who questions them like dirt! This company is worse than GILD which I never thought would be possible!!!
Does the first rule have a typo? It contains a double negative, which means drame, disrepect or other members, artists or the company is permitted.
"1. No drama, disrespect for other members, artists or the company is not
tolerated in any way. Respect the feelings of others before you
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