We collectively represent concerned members of the PSP community who feel taggers, tutorial writers, scrap kit makers, and all other graphic designers should boycott Stickerchick/MyPSPTubes for reasons of poor customer service, unethical business practices and the constant unprofessional actions of the company owners and employees.
We have a right to speak out. Every time the company shuts down one more blog, one more group, it proves to more people, both customers and artists, that this company has something to hide!
Comments and feedback are encouraged. If you are interested in posting articles on this blog, please contact us at boycottmypsptubes at gmail dot com.
Though we'd like our readers to be able to say what is on their minds without fear of retribution, we understand there are criminal elements watching us, our readers and other boycott supporters by systematically harassing and punishing those who speak out. For those very reasons we have enabled anonymous comments on this site.
Boycott My PSP Tubes Newsletter
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Current readers:
Are you boycotting SC/MPT?
Why are you boycotting MPT?
Down With Censorship!
"Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense, has always been and always be the last resort of the boob and the bigot." -- Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, American playwright
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -- Noam Chomsky
"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards." -- William E. Borah
"Restriction on free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us." -- William O. Douglas
"REVOLUTION, n. A bursting of the boilers which usually takes place when the safety valve of public discussion is closed." -- Ambrose Bierce, The Enlarged Devil's Dictionary (1906)
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