A certain artist licensed with a certain company stated she no longer wished to be associated with them and wanted to quietly let her contract run out. A professional and well run company would have either A) respected the artist's wishes or B) privately contacted the artist in regards to the artist's concerns about the company. Our favorite company in question did neither. Not really a big surprise there. The "General Manager" of said company made an absolute fool of herself, yet again, by posting a very public response in this certain artist's blog. What ensued what a management nightmare. People for and against said company flocked to the blog to post their thoughts. What makes it even more interesting is that said General Manager openly BRIBED customers with free merchandise to harass the artist by any means necessary.
Someone stop us, but wasn't MPT attempting to PURCHASE tags made by customers so they could use them for MySpace comments?
A little newsflash for Ms. JRM, the BBB comments all sound the same because many customers have the same complaints! The bulk were made when the TOU change went into effect which upset customers greatly. Ms. JRM can put whatever spin on it she would like, but the fact of the matter remains - she's as crooked and as dishonest as they come - and she continues to prove it every time she gets near the keyboard. And the foul language? Unprofessional on so many levels.
I see you all are against the use of MPT's graphic designers using tutorials to make the upcoming MySpace tags that they will offer. The reason being that they are paying the graphic artists and that they will be charging users for the MySpace tags. I get that.
But now CILM has gotten in on this action and opened a section for MySpace tags for their customers. They state that they didn't "purchase" these from the makers but they don't tell you that the makers were compensated for making them by giving them "free tubes", hence payment in my eyes. AND CILMS site is loaded with advertising of which Anthony very clearly encouraged people to click on to help pay for the site.
"When you visit our new site you will notice that CILM does have clickable advertisements available. When clicked these ads will generate a certain amount of income to CILM. We have come up with a wonderful way to use this income that will bring more enjoyment and fun to the PSP community. Here is how we will use the funds:
1. Paying for our hosting and website expenses.
2. Funding for our NEW CILM Licensing Sponsorship Program."
Is that not CILM making money through this advertisement?
I say this to point out that on this same MySpace section of CILM there is a list of tutorials that were used in making the tags that CILM is offering. Forgive me if I misunderstand but if CILM is making money through the advertisement on this site is that not profit and therefore violating the rights of the tutorial writers by making a profit from creations derived from their tutorials???????
so if the tags where made with no tuts you would be ok with that anon? cause i made some of those snags and ive never used a tut!
besides are you sure the tut writers dont know about it??
HAHAHAHA Sorry but you are WRONG again. They did NOT buy the tags nor are they selling them. Apparently you do not get the news letter FRANK.
"CILM's new social network graphics website is geared toward MySpace and other social network groups and users. The difference between our site and other social network graphics sites is that we have the legal means to bring a site like this to the community that encourages legal copyright graphics usage. Our new website will encourage other graphics websites to become more copyright compliant as well as giving the PSP hobby more exposure. We have copyright credits on our site to all of our artists and standard credit given to all of our tag creators, all tutorial creators and any stock photography sites that were used. Please note that this is a FREE site and none of the tags are for sale nor were these tags "purchased" from the people that made them."
I'm replying to this here because I have made tags for the new CILM CAED site.
I haven't received anything for making these tags. The idea behind the money made is to donate cilm packages to people nominated by the public. They will be giving away at least 20 packs per month.
The tags are all loaded up for people to snag and come complete with codes for you to add them to myspace etc.
I know when Anthony approached me with this idea and asked me to tag for it I did raise the concerns I had about it being too similar to what SC was doing and he took the time to phone me straight away and explain everything to me.
No one is being paid for these tags and no one is having to buy them, you can all snag them for free. And asking people to click on the links so that the money is there to give gift packages to people you the public nominate seems like a brilliant idea to me.
Awww Frankie Poo, how is it that you manage to be everywhere and complain about everything yet accomplish nothing?
Once again, you see things through YOUR Rose Colored Glasses, want a hankie for they are SMUDGED with shit and you see only what you wish to see and not the truth in anything.
Spend some of your time getting a life and admit it that you are involved with a bunch of thieving, lying, backstabbing and corrupt "business people"...
Speaking of getting paid, how much have you been paid by MPT for all the "hard work" you do as their workhorse???
Seems to me that MPT could learn a thing or two from the CLEAD project instead of sitting by bitching about every little thing.
FRANK = MPT's puppet. What a sad existence.
So glad I never bought anything from MPT. It seems they don't don't their ass from a hole in the ground...
There is a HUGE difference in what CILM is doing and what MPT was trying to do. Do you get that???
There is NO difference in CILM making money off advertising to pay for the site they are hosting their MySpace tags on and MPT charging for the tags outright to pay for the site to host theirs. Re-read Anthony's statement of how the money raised from advertising will be used. Number ONE on his list will be paying for the site. The offer to fund the licensing sponship program is second on the list.
The artist with MPT will be receiving a part of that money that MPT charges...will CILM be paying their artists from the advertising for the MySpace tags they are sharing? Shouldn't the artist be paid for these? I think so!
I've also read that AMI is also going to offer MySpace tags...wonder if they are going to find a way to sneak to gain money as CILM is doing??????
Face it, these companies are out to make a profit and WILL make money off of everything they offer or will not offer so called "freebies". I for one don't like sites that advertise because so much of that advertisement is filled with spyware.
And I love how you assume that "Frank" is the one that posted this. Not sure who Frank is but rest assured there are some out there that don't uphold the practices of any of these companies.
Hi All, this blog was pointed out to me today and after reading over the posts I would like to say the following if I may: If anyone would like to know ANYTHING at all about what CILM is doing you are ALWAYS more than welcome to contact us directly. We don't bite. 8o)
I would be more than happy to take the time to answer any questions anyone may have and very accurately explain what we are doing at any given time. We have always had an "open door policy" and that has not changed.
Anthony and I would prefer to speak directly to anyone having issues with our company, our policies, our terms of use, our artists or any other matter that may be of concern instead having "assumptions" posted in public. If you don't ask then you don't really know. I would hardly call it fair and accurate reporting on a matter if the information was not obtained directly from the company in question.
If you prefer to have an audience for your questions then please feel free to come to our Yahoo Forum and ask your questions there. You can find the link on our webstie. Please note that at this time we are moderating any conversations that may relate to MyPSP tubes due to the pending litigation. Our C.E.A.D. program and Sponsorship program has no relation to them so this discussion will be no problem if it is brought up in our forum.
Private emails or phone calls are always welcome. You can find all of our contact information on our website. So please try not to make assumptions based on what you (speaking in generalities here) "THINK" we are doing and just have the courage to come and ask us.
Have a wonderfu day everyone.
Smiles ~ Michelle Guerra
This was quoted from Anon a few posts back:
"The artist with MPT will be receiving a part of that money that MPT charges...will CILM be paying their artists from the advertising for the MySpace tags they are sharing? Shouldn't the artist be paid for these? I think so!"
Um... Hello?!?!?
I'm all for artists being paid, don't get me wrong - but the artists WERE paid when the taggers bought the tube packs. duh.
So to put your question in perspective - all these forums that have ads and donation buttons, that offer snags and tags to their memebers....by your words, these groups should also pay the artists for the tags they share.
Get real. The artists with MPT won't make a dime, because nobody buys myspace tags. They're too freely available, even before the CILM snag site.
I think comparing what MPT attempted to do and what CILM is currently doing is like comparing apples to oranges. While they both may be "fruits" there is still a heap of difference between the two.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand how MPT thought people would actually pay for MySpace comments. Aside from that, why would anyone want to purchase a comment tag that just any old person could come by, rip off and use without having to pay for it?
Plus, to top it all off, MPT did not even want to credit the artist. That is more than ironic coming from a company behind an entire campaign to avenge those who allegedly stole art. Wasn't MPT essentially attempting to do the same by not copyrighting the artists? Especially since most of their artists had no idea about this little idea until after MPT announced it to everyone. So not only were they violating their own TOU, asking customers to violate TOU, uncrediting artwork, but they did not even have the permission of their artists to do it in the first place. It is a merry-go-round of incompetence.
Michelle, kudos to you for commenting on here. That is what a company should do. If MPT had even an ounce of professionalism and business acumen, I am sure this site would not even have a reason to exist.
I am going to squeeze in here one more time simply because I think it is important to clarify something being misunderstood. This is an excerpt from the newsletter we sent out announcing our new program. Please focus your attention on the LAST sentence of this paragraph. Our artists will be fully compensated for the Sponsorhip packages we give away.
Smiles ~ Michelle
Beginning December 1, 2007, CILM will sponsor at least 20 people every month to receive a new license and a package of their choice from us. These 20 people will be nominated by you, their fellow PSPers. Since this program is new we have no idea how many people we will be able to sponsor on a monthly basis. We are allowing 20 people per month as a minimum, however, we will sponsor as many people as our funds will allow in any given month. Our artists will receive their normal compensation for all of these packages.
I find it disgusting to even mention CILM, AMI, or UP Your Art in the same sentence as MPT. CILM, AMI, or UP Your Art has standards above and beyond what MPT will ever have, let alone understand.
Why can't people just let the companies operate their businesses. In the long run, it will work itself out. Most people are not going to do business with an unethical company for very long. At least people that understand right from wrong will not.
A company cannot continue to cover lies and expect to come out on top. One lie leads to another lie and before you know it, they are one big lie. At some point, people will realize that MPT has continuely lied about many things.
Why continue to compare the companies operations? Because some people are trying to drag CILM, AMI, or UP Your Art down to MPT's level....that will not happen. MPT put themselves where they are with their unethical business practices. It's that simple.
If you dont wanna use MPT then dont....but you lot are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD spending time trying to bad mouth them everywhere you go...It is tiring and boring now!! Havent you got a life to lead outside of PSP????
Each individual has a right to choose whether they use a licensing company or not...and not to have it rammed down there throat everywhere they go!!!
Truth be told, I DO NOT use MPT but that is through choice...not because you lot have swayed me into making that decision.
So you dont like MPT, so you had bad customer service, so you have an opinion.....SO WHAT!!??? Just grow up, there a far more important things going on in this world that make this whole situation look farcical!
That's the most ignorant post on the site. No one is forcing anyone to come to this site or telling them they can't buy from whatever licensing company they want. This site is educating people as to why they shouldn't buy from MPT and giving others opportunity to say why they won't buy/stopped buying. There're are a lot important things going on in the world, but honesty and values are important too. We should all be so grateful you took time away from all of the important things in life to tell us how sad we are and to get a life. Who are you to say what is important in someone else's life? The PSP community may be large, but it is also very small. EVERYTHING this company does affects the entire community like a ripple effect. So while you think it doesn't affect you, it does. Maybe you're the one who should grow up and get educated before the next time you make an ass out of yourself by posting such an immature and useless comment.
I'm just a person who gets tags made for myself by talented taggers
who take time from their personal life to do it...more than likely as a hobby.
I think if the artists want to be paid for someone using their graphics/tubes...fine...let it be between the artist & the tagger. Why do companies have to put their two cents in....cause they want a piece of the pie. That's how I see it.
That's all I have to say. Except that I stand behind the taggers who are boycotting, as I get tags from them, and they do right by me.
Nancy...who is leaving this comment as anonymous cause I don't want assholes bugging me personal.
with reference to the comment
"EVERYTHING this company does affects the entire community like a ripple effect. So while you think it doesn't affect you, it does"
how exactly does it affect a persons life? Im interested to know your perception on this. I dont use MPT either, for my own reasons, but in no way imagine that what they have done/are doing affects my life at all!
I don't believe the poster said nor implied it affected your life (outside of PSP). The poster said the PSP community. If you are part of the PSP community, then what this company does and doesn't do affects you. The very fact you are here making a comment shows that what this company has or has not done has affected you in some way. Whether directly or indirectly, you were here making the comment because of the company.
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